
Innan min RTT session med Ingela hade jag låg energi, längtade efter ny livspartner och att hitta min naturliga gränssättning och min förmåga att prata känslor i mina relationer.


Ingela är mycket lyhörd, intuitiv och professionell vilket gjorde att jag under sessionen kände mig trygg, avslappnad och med hennes hjälp kunde vi identifiera några händelser som kan kopplas ihop med mina problem.


Det fungerade fantastiskt bra att genomföra sessionen digitalt och det var skönt att vara i min egen hemmiljö. Efter att ha lyssnat på min inspelning kände jag mig stärkt och modigare att vilja göra en förändring.


Nu är jag överraskad över vilken energi jag fått och hur lättad, hoppfull och stark jag känner mig. Har blivit bättre på att sätta gränser och kan nu tala om vad jag känner och är redo att släppa in någon i mitt liv.


Jag tror att den som förstår sin egen del i ett problem och som är redo att ta reda på vad som är orsaken och sedan villig ta ett ansvar för att göra en förändring skulle dra nytta av en session med Ingela. 

Anna 58, Umeå, Sverige

Loving Relationship

I had a session with Ingela for relationships/finding love. This was my second time booking in with her. This was a wonderful experience. Ingela is extremely intuitive and was very 'present' during our session. She listened intently to everything that I said and everything that came up for me. Her passion and intention to help me was clear. Together, we made some discoveries about beliefs and feelings that I formed when I was younger. I had some idea about why I had been struggling in romantic relationships, but this session really threw light on experiences that I hadn't realised were so poignant for me as a youngster. And it was both groundbreaking and healing.


Ingela carefully and empathetically guided me through the session and was able to help me make connections that I could not have made without RTT and, I believe, without her. She helped me to look at old experiences in such way as to help me see them clearly and for what they were. She did this very gently. Throughout the session and with the transformation she created for me, she brought me to a place of creating new, better and updated beliefs in a beautiful way. She uses very descriptive words to do this.


My session was a special journey and I felt like a weight had been lifted by the end of it. I felt totally relaxed and trusting in her presence. Our session was done via Zoom. Even so, I felt like she was right there in the room with me. Ingela is a wonderful therapist and I am glad to have met her and experience RTT as well as her kindness and skills. I would highly recommend her!

C.L. Dublin, age 38

Sugar cravings

Ingela is an absolute competent, very empathic and clear minded, professional therapist with a huge heart. Again and again during our cooperation I was amazed by her wisdom and deep insights. I felt absolutely safe with her at all times and especially appreciated her open-mindedness.


During my session I could easily relax, because I felt so safely guided by her wonderful voice. Thanks to her therapeutic experience and great intuition my session was pure, powerful MAGIC! My cravings for sugar amazingly stopped immediately after the session and they didn't come back! I feel so deeply transformed and liberated!


I would recommend Ingela to anyone and especially to those who feel in need of a very sensitive therapist. I thank Ingela from the bottom of my heart to help me find the root cause of my sugar cravings and solve this issue for good.

Sabrina 40, Germany

Have real lasting friendships

I had a session with Ingela about relationships and from our very first call I noticed she was very intuitive and really got me. That made me almost immediately trust her with my issue and open up to her. And I was absolutely right to do that because when we had the session, it was amazing how skilled she was about getting to the root cause of the issue! I completely recommend her because my session with her was fantastic and illuminating and clarifying. It was definitely a beautiful life-changing experience.

Maria Adelaida Ochoa S 34, Colombia


Jag kontaktade Ingela för att få hjälp med prestationsångest som funnits med hela livet. Den har gjort att jag alltid känt att jag behövde vara på tå, göra saker. Jag hade svårt att bara sitta ner och slappna av.

Målet var att prestera good enough och vara nöjd med det. Jag ville känna ett större lugn i mina beslut, stanna upp och njuta av nuet, kunna stanna kvar i sängen och vila ut utan dåligt samvete. Jag ville känna mer passion o glädje, äga min egen lycka, vara nöjd med det jag gör och vara ett föredöme för mina tonårsbarn.

Efter sessionen efter ha lyssnat på Ingelas inspelning några dagar märkte jag att jag sov bättre. Jag vaknade inte mitt i natten och hade svårt att somna om som tidigare. Efter en vecka hade jag även ro att stanna kvar i sängen utan dåligt samvete..

Idag ett år senare är det mycket lättare att stanna upp och tänka efter om jag verkligen behöver göra saker precis just nu. Utan dåligt samvete. Mitt självförtroende är stärkt och jag är mycket lugnare på jobbet, både i samtal med medarbetare och vid större presentationer. Det känns befriande!

Sofie, Saltsjö-Boo, Sverige

Self Esteem / Good Enough

Ingela is an amazing therapist who really takes the time to find out the true causes of your issues. Ingela helped me with my self esteem issues and I could not be happier!! 


I was hoping that after the session and the 3 weeks of listening to the audio I would improve my self esteem and no longer fear making bold decisions. I believe Ingela did more than that!  Since the session I put myself forward for a new job which I would not have done previously thinking that I was not good enough. 


In addition, I have had incredible results with my current work as my self belief has improved. I would highly recommend Ingela if you have any issues around self esteem - you will not regret it and you will be transformed!

Hina 50, Great Britain

Self Confidence and achieving goals

I loved my session with Ingela as I had many revelations and "aha" moments even during the intake process. During the actual session I felt very safe and confident in her guidance. I was able to completely relax and let my conscious mind go in order to get the necessary info from the subconscious and receive the new programming. At the end of the session I also received a recording that I played for 21 days that is meant to install the new beliefs. Now, 2 months later, I still play the recording whenever I feel that I need a little boost.


I can definitely see a big change in the way that I conduct myself and my business. I have more confidence and I'm going after the things I want with a lot more courage. Ingela truly has a gift to transform your negative beliefs into positive ones. Thank you Ingela!

Tanya 42, Greece

Self Esteem and fear of failure

I had a huge problem of not feeling successful and worthy. Ingelas approach to the issue, and to me as a person, was professional, empathic and warm which helped me to open up.


The session was a wonderful experience! I have identified which experiences from my past are holding me back. Ingela was like a skilled detective finding my issues and then like a doctor bringing me healing and success which I needed.


Thank you Ingela for this deep healing experience! It changed my life forever into a more positive and successful one!

Martina Ferk 42, Germany